Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Help us design the KHFMA T-shirt!

First of all, thanks to everyone who has contributed their help with our various outreach efforts and products! We have found that by using social media, we can get a great dialog going and involve many people with great ideas!

Darla White is now spearheading the development of a new t-shirt design utilizing the artistic talents of Jonatha Giddens to convey a key ecological concept - the importance of herbivory. The draft design is below, and the purpose is to demonstrate that healthy populations of herbivores promote healthy reefs. A reef with more herbivores, and LARGER herbivores (because of their disproportionate reproductive & grazing capacity) will be better off than a reef with depleted stocks of herbivores. Lose the herbivores, and the reef could degrade in the face of multiple stressors, particular algal overgrowth and invasive algae.
That is the "big picture" message, so we'd like your help in coming up with some text that effectively conveys that concept.

On a t-shirt.

So it needs to be as brief & concise as possible!

Have at it, and leave your suggestions in the comments here, or on Kaanapali Makai Watch's Facebook Page.

posted by Liz.


nancykanyuk said...

Is this going to be black and white? I'm assuming not. Do you want it to appeal to the general public or the scientific ocean community? That makes a big difference.

s. shore said...

Marine herbivores help keep oceans clean!